They are all greenhouse gasses They are all harmless to breathe They are all man-made gases They are all noble gases What do Albert Einstein, Bob Dylan and Bill Clinton have in common?
Helios means sun. Heliófitas Ciófitas Hidrófitas Xerófitas Qual é a maior célula do mundo? Embrião de elefante Ovo de avestruz Embrião humano Ovo de crocodilo Como o corpo processa e cria vitamina D? Raios ultravioletas convertem o óleo da pele em vitamina D.
Linguado Tubarão Golfinho Atum Escolha o item que não faz parte do grupo: In car-engine the first one holds the second. The other 3 options have the reverse relationship.
This doesn't mean you don't have a good general knowledge. After all, we may have just caught you on some stuff you had holes about.