Hail abuse at them, call them all kinds of names under the sun and demand they buy you another drink, in fact make that two drinks! You grit your teeth and sigh heavily before taking a deep breathe and shrugging it off. Losing your temper over this would be a little over the top.
Any music lover worth their salt will tell you that the '60s were an incredible decade for music. We had just left the conservative 50s and started exploring a lot of new musical styles. How many of the great music stars of that incredible decade can you recognize on sight? Let's check!
We can't wait to see how many of these you'll be able to name! Quem sou eu? Você é um tatu! Você é um tamanduá! Você é um wombat! Você é um pangolin! Qual é o nome desse animal? Anta Javali Suricato Capivara Qual é o nome deste roedor?
All you need to do is tell us which is the biggest, fastest, and heaviest. Sounds fair? Then good luck, and let's see how good you are at the numbers game! Qual das alternativas a seguir é a MAIS LONGA distância?
Lígia Fagundes Telles Clarice Lispector Lya Luft Adélia Prado Ela era britânica e foi a pioneira na modernização da enfermagem, sendo chamada "a dama da lâmpada".