All have won at least 3 Oscars All have starred in over 50 movies All have won best supporting actor Oscars All have directed at least one movie they starred in What do CO2, N2O and O3 gases have in common?
Índias Orientais Groelândia África do Sul Escandinávia Em que ano Henry Ford fundou a Ford Motor Company? 1903 1887 1920 1934 Qual era o nome de nascimento de Voltaire? François-Marie Arouet Henri da Voltara Willem du Châtelet Guillame Algarotti Que Tal Voltar Para as Aulas de História? Que pena!
Helios means sun. Heliófitas Ciófitas Hidrófitas Xerófitas Qual é a maior célula do mundo? Embrião de elefante Ovo de avestruz Embrião humano Ovo de crocodilo Como o corpo processa e cria vitamina D? Raios ultravioletas convertem o óleo da pele em vitamina D.
Linguado Tubarão Golfinho Atum Escolha o item que não faz parte do grupo: In car-engine the first one holds the second. The other 3 options have the reverse relationship.
This doesn't mean you don't have a good general knowledge. After all, we may have just caught you on some stuff you had holes about.
Zap a wet one in the microwave for 2 minutes every day and replace it every 2 weeks. Better yet, use cloths, towels, and rags that you can toss in the washer or clean with bleach.