The anger hits you like a tsunami and you flip out, shouting and attacking the closest inanimate object to you, probably a bin, smashing everything around you.
Participe de grupos de estudo ou espalhe esse conhecimento maravilhoso, a começar por esse teste. Envie para seus amigos e familiares para que eles sejam tão brilhantes quanto você!
Let's have a good lunch before we continue on our way. let us know when you'd like to continue on our trip. LET'S GO! We've come to the famous Tower of London. From here let's go somewhere more cheerful, how about the place where an Indian sultan built a monument to his love?
We are proud to have people like you interrupting the spread of the myths and inaccurate information and presenting the truth, which has become such a rare commodity in our society. Keep it up!
The world truly is better off with you in it, since without people like you, we'd be cursed to keep repeating the same historical mistakes over and over again. Make sure to share this quiz with your friends and family to see if they're as knowledgeable as you are.
Durante sua vida, a França participou de guerras pequenas e maiores, especialmente contra os espanhóis, assim, a guerra definiu grande parte de suas políticas.