All have won at least 3 Oscars All have starred in over 50 movies All have won best supporting actor Oscars All have directed at least one movie they starred in What do CO2, N2O and O3 gases have in common?
From here, our next stop is the least densely populated country on Earth. Mongolia Canada Sweden Greenland Welcome to the freezing vistas of Greenland. From here we are going to visit the largest desert in the world. Sahara Desert Antarctic Desert Arctic Desert Gobi Desert Congrats!
Pelé Ronaldo Messi Miroslav Klose Qual proteína se acumula no cérebro de indivíduos com doença de Alzheimer, formando placas? Tau Beta-amilóide Alfa-sinucleína Huntingtina Que país africano sofreu um genocídio na região de Darfur a partir de 2003?