Hail abuse at them, call them all kinds of names under the sun and demand they buy you another drink, in fact make that two drinks! You grit your teeth and sigh heavily before taking a deep breathe and shrugging it off. Losing your temper over this would be a little over the top.
We can't wait to see how many of these you'll be able to name! Quem sou eu? Você é um tatu! Você é um tamanduá! Você é um wombat! Você é um pangolin! Qual é o nome desse animal? Anta Javali Suricato Capivara Qual é o nome deste roedor?
Both left Germany for United States Both married a relative Both survived a plane crash Both have degrees in Physics What do the king of Jordan, Bill Clinton and Tony Blair have in common?
hamburg is the second largest city in Germany Alemanha Rússia Itália Áustria Onde fica Zaragoza? Espanha Escôcia Portugal Brasil Os 5 principais oceanos da Terra são o Atlântico, o Pacífico ...
Waterloo, Belgium Leipzig, Germany Wagram, Austria Istanbul, Turkey Welcome to Waterloo. We hope you enjoy the sights! Our next place to visit is where Elvis Presley's grave can be found.