We are proud to have people like you interrupting the spread of the myths and inaccurate information and presenting the truth, which has become such a rare commodity in our society. Keep it up!
India China Paquistão Japão Quem compilou os Vedas, a coleção elementar dos textos sagrados hindus? Vishnu, o Escriba Sábio Vyasa Vasishtha Kashyapa Qual destes NÃO é um princípio do Hinduísmo?
All survived assassination attempts All died while in office All did not finish their presidency All were amateur wrestlers What do India, China and the USA have in common?
The Taj Mahal was built in the 17th century at the request of Mughal emperor Shah Jahan to serve as a tomb for his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal Taj Mahal Aya Sofia Burj Khalifa Swallow's Nest Castle Welcome to India and the magnificent Taj Mahal.
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