Bob Marley – “Three Little Birds” Dolly Parton – “Working Nine to Five” Lil Wayne – “6 Foot 7 Foot” The Clash – “The Magnificent Seven” The Beatles – “Eight Days a Week” Eu não conheço essas músicas!
Testes de Identificação, Testes de Personalidade, Testes de Habilidades teste de personalidade, quiz, tudoporemail recomenda, mudanças, características, caf[e, sabor, doce, forte, amargo, beber café
Straightens you both out I try to avoid violence but if I am pushed too far, I can be the definition of violence I hate seeing violence it makes me nervous Violence doesn't solve anything It doesn't bother me. I have my morals but it is what it is Well, I don't enjoy violence...