Besides you came to drink with friends not cave someones face in On your way home early from work you stop to pick up some dinner. As you walk past a restaurant you catch a glimpse of your partner with another woman/man. They are holding hands and it's obviously romantic.
Let's have a good lunch before we continue on our way. let us know when you'd like to continue on our trip. LET'S GO! We've come to the famous Tower of London. From here let's go somewhere more cheerful, how about the place where an Indian sultan built a monument to his love?
Both left Germany for United States Both married a relative Both survived a plane crash Both have degrees in Physics What do the king of Jordan, Bill Clinton and Tony Blair have in common?
Wai Namastê Sawadee Kapun A Tailândia é o lar de quais espécies ameaçadas de extinção? Rinoceronte de Javan Dugongo Orangotango de Sumatra Golfinho do Irrawaddy A Tailândia partilha a sua fronteira mais longa com qual país?
But this score does hint at large holes in your general knowledge and the best way to deal with those are either to read or to play more quizzes and learn from your mistakes.