U-boat Zig-boat Orca Skates Cerca de quantas papilas gustativas a língua humana média tem? 10.000 1.000.000 1000 10 bilhões Em que país acredita-se que as Fábulas de Esopo tenham se originado? Pérsia Grécia Itália Egito A.Savin Qual é a tradução literal do nome de Addis Abeba?
While many people find it easy to disregard what happened in the past, the wise know that there's much that can be learned from it! Compartilhar resultado Good Work! Good show! From your answers it is clear that you know your history pretty well.
As you walk past a restaurant you catch a glimpse of your partner with another woman/man. They are holding hands and it's obviously romantic. Up until this moment you believed your relationship was solid as a rock. What do you do?