Romeno Je t'aime: Francês Holandês Espanhol Russo Aishite imasu: Japonês Mandarim Tagalog Hindi Nakupenda: Suaíli Grego Cantonês Coreano Ich liebe dich: Alemão Russo Persa Holandês I love you: Inglês Turco Espanhol Italiano Miluji te: Tcheco Árabe Francês Maltês Volim te: Croata Galego Cazaque Alemão Ani
But this score does hint at large holes in your general knowledge and the best way to deal with those are either to read or to play more quizzes and learn from your mistakes.
Any music lover worth their salt will tell you that the '60s were an incredible decade for music. We had just left the conservative 50s and started exploring a lot of new musical styles. How many of the great music stars of that incredible decade can you recognize on sight? Let's check!
Unhas quebradiças Doenças nas gengivas Contaminação de micróbios Todas acima Para que você pode usar o anis estrelado chinês? Suprimir tosses Estimular o apetite Reduzir cólicas menstruais Todas acima Como o cardamomo pode ajudá-lo?
The tomb held over 2000 items of treasure to study and help understand so much more about ancient Egyptian culture Tutankamon Amenhotep Ramsés II Quéops Machu Picchu é um assentamento incrível deixado pelo...
False True Chewing gum while on a flight relieves pressure on the ears True False More than half of the bones in our body are in the hands and feet. True False The thigh muscle is the strongest of the human body muscles.
There's no need to fret though since we're sure that with a little more care and attention you'll be able to get much better results on your next attempt. While many people find it easy to disregard what happened in the past, the wise know that there's much that can be learned from it!
From here let's go somewhere more cheerful, how about the place where an Indian sultan built a monument to his love?
They are all left-handed They have all been married more than once They have all written their own autobiographies All three are talented violin players What do the songs Hey Jude, Let It Be and Blackbird have in common?
This personality test aims to answer these questions and more as we strive to understand: Are you easy to get to know? Que tipo de círculo social você costuma ter em sua vida? Tenho tendência a ter grandes grupos de amigos casuais Tenho tendência a ter 1 a 2 pessoas muito próximas.